Maal_uciha giving solution Trouble your Haardware

Other things
my name is amal, you can call me maal, im graduated from sdn jt benig 12 elementray school, and 109 (ozone junior hig school) my web is explain about trouble your hardware computer in Windows, i think my web use ful for our people, thank's for open this web, i hope you interested because opening this web .
my name is amal, you can call me maal, im graduated from sdn jt benig 12 elementray school, and 109 (ozone junior hig school) my web is explain about trouble your hardware computer in Windows, i think my web use ful for our people, thank's for open this web, i hope you interested because opening this web.
my name is amal, you can call me maal, im graduated from sdn jt benig 12 elementray school, and 109 (ozone junior hig school) my web is explain about trouble your hardware computer in Windows, i think my web use ful for our people, thank's for open this web, i hope you interested because opening this web.
my name is amal, you can call me maal, im graduated from sdn jt benig 12 elementray school, and 109 (ozone junior hig school) my web is explain about trouble your hardware computer in Windows, i think my web use ful for our people, thank's for open this web, i hope you interested because opening this web.
my name is amal, you can call me maal, im graduated from sdn jt benig 12 elementray school, and 109 (ozone junior hig school) my web is explain about trouble your hardware computer in Windows, i think my web use ful for our people, thank's for open this web, i hope you interested because opening this web.
Blue SCreen PaDa XP sP 2
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
jika anda mengalami kesulitan kompie anda merestart terus menerus pada saat anda nyalakan da
pada saat merestar sepintas terlihat gambar biru dengan tulisan "Dhumping Phisycal RAM..........."
itu adalah Blue Screeen pada Windows, umunya terjadi pada windows XP SP 2.
BLuescreen adalah gejala pada windows yang di akibatkan karena adanya keterbatasan
daya pada power suplay dan kekurangan speed pada RAM anda atau bisa juga disebabkab oleh
kabel data dan Operatyng system anda yang suda Corupt.
BErikut adalah langkah-langkah mencegah BlueSCreeen pada Xp SP2:'
jika anda menggunakan 2 harddisk dan 2 cd room, pastikan pewr suplay anda berdaya 450 Waat
pastikan anda menggunakan Kabel data yang terbuat dari karet
pastikan ram anda memadai
jangan menginstal system-system yang tidak berguna

apabila anda sudah terserang lakukan pengugradatan mulai dari
Kabel data
power suplay dan
upgrade Windows anda

sekian dari saya semoga bisa menambah ilmu para pembaca

(By maal_uciha)
posted by maal_uciha @ 12:36 AM   0 comments
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Name: maal_uciha
Home: jakarta city, Indonesia
About Me: gw tuh orangnya romantis, agak lemot, dam mash banyak lagi,
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